Review: The Valentine’s Fae by Emma Shortt

The Valentine’s Fae by Emma Shortt

Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Rating: 2



It’s her first year as a Valentine’s Fairy and Amelia has been given an impossible task. Gavin Peters wants his ex-girlfriend back but Fae magic can’t make people fall in love. If Amelia is to complete her task she’ll have to get creative, and that creativity will have to include ignoring her own rapidly developing feelings for the human she’s been tasked with.

Gavin has pined for his ex for months so when the mysterious Amelia offers him a wish he knows exactly what to request. But when his ex returns Gavin begins to wonder if what he’s wished for is really what he wants. Can his Valentine’s Fairy grant him another wish and if so will he be able to ask for what he really wants?

Lia's Review

Sweet, sensual, and engaging. Amelia, despite being a Valentine’s fairy, doesn’t believe in love, so when she’s sent to make business man Gavin Peters’ wish come true, Amelia doesn’t expect to fall for him.
All Gavin wants is to see his ex-girlfriend one more time. It’s an easy enough wish to grant but in the process of making Gavin’s dream come true, Amelia finds herself in his arms. The passion is undeniable, but could she ever be with a man who’s after another woman?

I found both of the characters to be very engaging and enjoyable and they complimented the plot perfectly. Although the attraction between Amelia and Gavin was apparent from their first scene together, they didn’t fall in love too quickly, unlike in many romances. The angle with the ex-girlfriend added the right amount of tension to pull the plot trough to the end.

The Valentine Fae is a short and sweet little story that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day. It has just the right amount of sexual passion and sweet romance paired with likable characters to please any reader who’s looking for something fun to read.

5 Tea Cups!

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