New Things at The Sims 3 Store

Everyday Casual Chic

Every day should be a good day for your Sim! Now your Sim can dress their best every single day of their Simmy lives!

19 items are included in this set

1,350 SimPoints

Mid-Century Fantasy

Ever fantasize you were stuck in the 1950s? Ever wanted to give your Sims the same experience? Well with this fantastic new set you can!

25 items are included in this set

1,600 SimPoints

Tiki Outdoor Party

Let loose and unwind with the tropical whimsy of the Tiki Outdoor Party set.
This is a new object!

21 items are included in this set

1,600 SimPoints

May 2011 Compilation

Get everything new for the month of May with just one click! This compilation includes the Tiki Outdoor Party, Mid-Century Fantasy, and Everyday Casual Chic sets.

This set contains items from the following sets:

Everyday Casual Chic
Tiki Outdoor Party
Mid-Century Fantasy

65 items are included in this set

3,700 SimPoints