Lady Gaga has rushed to release the video for her new single "Judas" online after it leaked on Thursday morning, hours ahead of its big TV premiere.The promo was due to air for the first time on Thursday evening on America's E! network, but the full clip surfaced on the internet that morning,sending fans and gossip bloggers into a frenzy.
Links to the video were promptly removed after it emerged the release was unauthorized, but now Gaga has uploaded the complete five-and-a-half minute promo to her official website.
The film features a gang of bikers made up of Biblical apostles, alongside actors dressed as Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, who dons a crown of thorns.Gaga insists the religious imagery is just art.Gaga, as Mary Magdalene, protects Jesus from Judas by holding a gun to his face - but instead of a bullet, a stick of lipstick comes out and she uses it to paint his lips.
Later, Gaga shares a steamy bathtub with Jesus and Judas on either side of her.The song has caused uproar from religious groups for its blasphemous lyrics.And the video certainly won't help.