Huge Porn Stash Found in Osama Bin Laden's Compound

Just because he enjoyed murdering innocent people and favored taking the planet back to barbaric, 7th Century fundamentalist rule doesn't mean Osama Bin Laden didn't like some of the finer things about modern Western Civilization.

Dude had a huge porn stash up in his Pakistan hideout!

A stash of pornography was found among the trove of evidence seized from bin Laden's Abbottabad compound by U.S. Navy SEALs, ABC News reports.

Bin Laden Photo

No word if Osama preferred girl-on-girl or anything in particular.

This wasn't just a closet dabbler, either. The existence of the pornography stash has been described as "huge" by U.S. officials who reportedly discovered it.

The material was found in a box in bin Laden's bedroom and included "electronically recorded videos." Hey, beats the heck out of Osama's home movies.

The discovery of the pornographic videos is just the latest in a steady stream of intel gleaned from the SEALs during the mission that killed bin Laden.

From invaluable intelligence on al Qaeda operations to embarrassing personal revelations about the 9/11 mastermind, there's all kinds of crap in there.

Some classified, some just NC-17.


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