Conservancy Fairy Shrimp

Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Zoom+ An adult fairy shrimp,
  • Zoom+ An adult fairy shrimp,

  • HiRez
    May 4, 07:58 PM
    Some people can go grab the disk and be back home much faster than it would take to download all 8 GB. ;)

    But likely not if the mood strikes you at 2 AM, or on a holiday.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. More fairy shrimp images.
  • More fairy shrimp images.

  • DavidCar
    Jul 22, 10:38 PM
    I'm with Multimedia i don't see why Apple would intentionally cripple the Macbook with yonah when they coast exactly the same and are just a drop in upgrade.
    Maybe the low end MacBook will keep Yonah and get a price drop, while the higher end MacBook, black and white, will get Merom. That might lead to the most sales, to both those looking for a cheaper MacBook, and those waiting for Merom.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Fairy shrimp nauplius larva
  • Fairy shrimp nauplius larva

  • PhoneyBoy
    May 9, 08:52 AM
    There are changes coming to MobileMe, but I can't say anymore due to an NDA.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Circumpolar Fairy Shrimp
  • Circumpolar Fairy Shrimp

  • kaneda
    Aug 3, 11:46 PM
    I guess we are not going to get new casing for Intel MAC...

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Male Conservancy fairy shrimp, Branchinecta conservatio., Jepson Prairie
  • Male Conservancy fairy shrimp, Branchinecta conservatio., Jepson Prairie

  • Marx55
    Aug 7, 05:25 PM
    About the cube pro or headless iMac

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. (although the Mac Pro is VERY tempting right now.)

    Yes, but quiet. Without fans, if possible.

    For those of you hoping for a mid-range tower, you're looking at it. Take the processor down from dual 2.66Ghz to dual 2.0 and the HD down from 250GB to 160, and you're looking at a $2124 machine.

    I sincerely doubt Apple will introduce any new model to its current lineup of mini/pro, macbook/macbook pro. Your best hope is a supermini.

    Whatever. But WITHOUT fans (quiet). Please!

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Ornate Fairy Shrimp
  • Ornate Fairy Shrimp

  • jlseattle
    Apr 5, 04:09 PM
    The "i" overlords have spoken! "Take it down" (in an classic star trek superior being voice).

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. fairy shrimp images
  • fairy shrimp images

  • markfc
    Dec 15, 06:21 AM
    Will this scan for windows viri too?

    Could be hand for those infected autorun usb drives viri currently circulating.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. A tiny fairy shrimp,
  • A tiny fairy shrimp,

  • SPUY767
    Jul 21, 03:41 PM
    Three words: Back to School.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. longhorn fairy shrimp,the
  • longhorn fairy shrimp,the

  • tonywalker23
    Aug 7, 06:52 PM
    this may be a dumb ? but . . .

    as far as the empty drive bay, i already have a pionner 109 superdrive i bought for my old powermac g4. would that be compatible?

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. vernal pool tadpole shrimp
  • vernal pool tadpole shrimp

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 09:49 PM
    To illustrate your point, PalmOne (if that's what the PalmOS Group is called this month...) is doing the aforemnetioned ground-up rewrite of PalmOS now (it should be available to devs soon if they're on schedule) and it's based on Linux. Stable, massively featureful, full PalmOS 5 backward-compatibility, and futureproof.

    Yet the hardware arm of Palm has said it might not buy the new sytem from the software arm. I have to imagine this has to do with posturing/playing the good little beoch to Microsoft. We know what happens to companies which partner with Microsoft... that they have proves prima facia that they're unequipped to run a company.

    I hate to keep dragging my personal employment history into the discussion here, but this is *hardly* the first time this kind of factor has been in play.

    I worked for what was, until (talk about timing!) April 1st of this year, a fully-Sony-staffed technical support facility. We provided tech support for Sony computers, monitors, CLIÉ PDAs, WebTV, Satellite tv, TVs, DVD players, VCRs, phones, all the Business and Professional stuff, etc. Yet (with the exception of B&P), our facility competed for tech-supporting our products with other tech support agencies out there, including our own out-sourced tech support partners.

    Sony frequently would not include their own subsystems (CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, writers, etc.) in their own products because they wouldn't (some say "couldn't" but I don't buy that) let themselves have their own inventory cheap enough in a lot of cases. Heck, for that matter, it wasn't until sometime in early 2004 (basically 1 year and change before we all got kicked out) that they switched from 500MHz P3-based Hewlett-Packard desktop computers as our actual "agent workstations" to 3.2GHz P4-based VAIOs. For that matter (and yes this is a rant, but it's also pertinent to this aspect of the discussion) it wasn't until like the last year-and-a-half, maybe not-quite-two-years of our operations that they managed to get more than a handful of current-model Sony computer products into the building AND into the hands of those of us doing the tech support. (The reason for this largely relates to the fact that we as the "tech support" division were the red-headed step-child, and basically a money pit, and we had to actually *buy* our own products at regular retail prices from our manufacturing divisions, instead of them sending them to us.) Now, make of that what you will.

    I go into this to basically say that it doesn't surprise me to see any company playing the "house divided" strategy. The only problem is that it is a losing strategy. Whether religious or not, people should at least look *this* up in the Bible as a basic, common sense 101 lesson on how not to run your personal life or your business. Ah, but I digress...

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Perhaps the Fairy Shrimp were
  • Perhaps the Fairy Shrimp were

  • inkswamp
    Sep 11, 04:03 AM
    10 hours? Luxury. I dream of being able to download 2GB in 10 hours.

    It'll take me over 4 days.

    You have it easy. When I was a kid, in order to download a movie, we had to push two wheelbarrows full of blank paper six miles through the snow to the movie company's headquarters where we had to type the binary codes for the movie file out on a broken typewriter, cart it all home and retype it into the computer which would take 6-8 weeks during which we were allowed no sleep and no bathrooms breaks and only a plate of crusty, stale bread and a glass of filthy water. And when we were done, our dad would beat us around the head and the neck with a rusty railspike... if we were lucky.

    (Sorry, couldn't resist carrying on with the Monty Python reference I saw starting up. :D )

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. time for fairy shrimp and
  • time for fairy shrimp and

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 11:35 AM
    Hmm, interesting. I'm not eligible since I didn't play in Intell's last game, but this looks like fun.

    No, you mis-read, I meant you must have played in at least three games. Intell's last game is counted if you played in that one. I edited the part to hopefully make it more clear. When I wrote it, Intell's game wasn't over.

    You've played in *way* more than three games, so you're in if you want.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) middot; ODOT partners collecting shrimp
  • vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) middot; ODOT partners collecting shrimp

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:38 PM
    But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol

    Less is more, and more is less when to taxes you refer...

    If you have a big refund, it means that you pay too much, so you are not being very good at your day to day application of math.

    Also when you say American do you refer to any citizen in the American continent or just the people that was born in the United States of America?

    Either way an American receiving a big tax refund means that a lot of his (or her) money was better used by the government than what he (or she) could have done with it. Taking us back to the same subject: poor application of Math skills.:o

    In the USA, you always have a second chance to file an amendment. So if you fail doing your math, you have a second chance..Something very well thought for those who follow the PEMDAS.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. In turn, the shrimp stoke the
  • In turn, the shrimp stoke the

  • tokevino
    Aug 7, 03:46 PM
    That's what I'm saying, $400x2=$800-$300=$500 profit for Apple, That's wonderful for Apple.

    On the other hand, internal pricing from Intel can be VERY different. So don't let it get too much into your head.

    Bottom line, these quads are truly wonderful machines to buy.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Fairy shrimp, frogs, toads,
  • Fairy shrimp, frogs, toads,

  • archipellago
    Apr 26, 04:29 PM
    What makes a product "Best" in its category is defined by different people differently. For some people "best" is a free phone because they can't afford anything else. Some people pour over the specs and select the "best".

    For me, "best" is the phone that operates the most intuitively to my way of thinking. I want something that I don't need to refer back to the manual to use its features. My Android Incredible came with a 8" x 11", 73 page manual that I need to use to operate the phone... that fact speaks volumes to what separates the Android from the "best."

    or perchance your overall level of intelligence..?

    Any normal person (i.e. with thumbs) can use Android or iOS well within a day.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. ARKive - Fairy shrimp videos,
  • ARKive - Fairy shrimp videos,

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:38 AM
    Wild speculation: It's possible that, for the short term, Apple might have both Intel and ARM processors in some of its machines. Think GPU or co-processor. This would allow a "Mac" to run iOS apps at full speed without processor emulation (albeit some chipset/environmental emulation).

    I use Mac in quotes because such a hybrid monstrosity may in fact be iOS first, Mac second. Somewhere between an iPad and a MacBook Air.

    It seems obvious that Apple wants this sort of blending, so why not do it in hardware?

    Considering that a dual core 1 Ghz processor (and much less) is running iOS apps at full speed I seriously doubt a current Intel 4 Core processor (or even a dual core) would break much of a sweat running these apps at full speed emulated or not.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. The federal government released an ambitious plan Thursday to save 20 endangered and threatened plants and animals, including the tiny fairy shrimp,
  • The federal government released an ambitious plan Thursday to save 20 endangered and threatened plants and animals, including the tiny fairy shrimp,

  • wovel
    Apr 7, 03:23 PM
    I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Observation Time: Observation Location: Hockomock Swamp, Easton. Plant or Animal? Animal. Common Name: Fairy Shrimp. Scientific Name: Plethodon cinereus
  • Observation Time: Observation Location: Hockomock Swamp, Easton. Plant or Animal? Animal. Common Name: Fairy Shrimp. Scientific Name: Plethodon cinereus

  • McGiord
    May 6, 02:28 PM
    Seriously it takes maybe a couple months to adjust to new systems of measure, it's really not that big of a deal and it certainly doesn't require any massive brain power to use metric vs. Imperial. The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    Also they teach both systems in grade school etc at least when I was in school.

    Actually it is quite easy to order half a kilo of cheese, the question is if you wanted it grated, sliced or by the chunk, they've are pretty good at it.

    Conservancy Fairy Shrimp. Fairy shrimp (Chirocephalus
  • Fairy shrimp (Chirocephalus

  • espoir
    May 6, 03:15 AM
    So many negative opinions but you may not know that ARM architecture is much more advanced then x86. Why do you think Windows 8 will support it? Because it's a future of home computing. And I'm not suprised that Apple considering it too.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?

    And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)

    Mar 29, 01:46 PM
    Yeah, but you have to think that Apple also sells outside the US. And then their products would be more expensive worldwide. I would not pay a premium to have a product that was built in the US. And I don't think the Europeans or Asians would either, to be honest.

    All the companies competing with Apple would have to do the same, otherwise Apple could never come even close to competitors' prices.

    There is nothing wrong with companies using resources abroad. It's called specialization. Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere?

    I avoid most american made products, half of them are crap. Prime examples are the cars made by Chrysler and GM between 2000-2008. This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc. I am sure there are very good reasons why the parts are made there and not here. Plus there is a plethora of unknown pollution aspects of producing tech products. Tree hugger's would freak

    You guys got me there, don't really have an answer for that one. I wasn't aware that other countries looked down on products manufactured here, that's a shame.

    Well hopefully the companies that manufacture products here step their game up in the near future!

    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    Interesting that Samsung Group is a much larger corporation to Apple, but only have $4.5 billion in cash reserves. While Apple has $50 billion and counting.

    Aug 11, 10:00 AM
    I don't think it is a bad idea for Apple to put Merom in the MacBooks for this reason...

    Apple is being more directly compared to Dell and such these days since they are running Intel chips. And the PC makers are going to put those processors in their computers as soon as they can. If Apple doesn't want to look like they are behind in the times, they have to put these processors in also.

    It makes for a little smaller of a gap between the consumer and pro (remember there is still the video card holding steady) but I think overall it will be better because we will get the updates sooner rather than later...

    In all reality however, I don't actually know.

    Carry on...

    Mar 30, 08:48 PM
    I still can't remove Launchpad on mine >.< Did you update via Software Update or reinstall the new build? I updated via Software Update to build 2.

    Software Update doesn't install the new build, you have to install the SU patch and then get the update from the App Store.

    May 7, 11:07 AM
    Man my renewal is coming up on the 23rd. I will definitely renew as we love the iWeb hosting among other things. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple said the .me email address, the push syncing for address book and iCal and other settings were included, and then maybe started charging a smaller amount for the iWeb/iDisk services.